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Winter Hair

Snip Secrets

The problem : You’re trying to grow out your summer crop, but it looks thin and stringy rather than long and luscious.

The remedy : Cutting isn’t going to change the actual condition of your hair, regular snips will perk up the overall look and shape of your grown out style. Hairdressers unanimously agree on visiting the salon approximately every 6-8 weeks for medium to long hair, and every 4 weeks for shorter styles.

Sort Split Ends

The problem : Indoor heating has left your hair dry and prone to breakage.

The remedy : Dehydrated and brittle strands are generally a result of both environmental (a drop in temperature outside) and physical factors (the overuse of colour and bleach, or heated styling), which weaken your hair cuticle causing split ends and snapping. To prepare your stands for the cold, care for them at home with the right cleansing regime : shampoo, conditioner and a weekly treatment.


Winter Hair


Boost Body

The problem : The chill has left you feeling flat, but you don’t want your hair to look that way.

The remedy : To get the volume you want, its important to concur your strands while they’re wet. I suggest starting with a light weight volume building shampoo and conditioner. Fine hair tends to hold more moisture, so go easy on styling products. Steering clear of heavy serums (which rob your strands of body), and choosing light-hold mousses and mists instead. For weightless volume on the go, dry shampoo is essential for adding texture, grip and bulk to slippery fine hair.

Fight Frizz

The problem : Your winter woollens leave your wavy hair a static mess.

The remedy : The best way to control frizz is to use a hydrating shampoo, conditioner and weekly mask. This doesn’t mean you should drown them in rich conditioners and styling products – as these will weigh down your lengths. For the ultimate taming tool you can’t go past serums, which eliminate frizz, repel humidity and seals the hair’s cuticle to smooth waves for a glossy, frizz-free style. Try to avoid contact with coarse scarves, sweaters and coats which can contribute to fuzziness.


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