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8 tricks of the trade secrets I advise my clients on

Secret hair tips from George1. Hair masks need heat. Apply one and leave it on in the bath. If you have really damaged hair, the longer you leave it on the better. Wrap cling wrap around it and sit in the sun – the heat helps activate it. Check the the treatment story – Top 4 Treatments

2. Go easy on the straighteners. People make the mistake rough drying their hair and then pull the straighteners through. The secret is to blow dry your hair (even if you’re curling it) as well as you possibly can first. Then pop your straightener on it. They’re there to aid you – not to be relied on.

Straightened Hair tips

3. Use a shine serum. The secret is to rub it into your hands, like hand cream, and almost get rid of it – then apply. Less is always more, you can always go back and reapply, but too much will appear greasy.

4. Special occasion? You need to cut it three weeks before the event and colour it two weeks before. Allow time to tweak or fix if necessary!


Hair tips


5. Colouring – A general guide. The lighter your complexion, the lighter your hair colour should be. The more olive your complexion, the darker your hair colour should be. The more ash your complexion, the more warmth your hair colour needs. The more warmth in your complexion, the more ash your hair needs to be.

6. When should you use your frizz fighting products? Always on damp hair, before blow drying. The ingredients absorb far better into the wet strands than when they are applied on dry hair.


Hair tips for frizz in winter

7. Always use a wide-tooth comb on wet hair. If you cheat and use a fine-tooth comb or a brush, it can stretch, and even snap the hair strand.

8.The golden rule is, less is more. Never overload your hair with product, as it will only weigh down strands.

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